Li-Dong Xia
Professor Physics of the Solar Atmosphere, Developments of Space Instruments xld@sdu.edu.cn |

Amandeep Singh Bains Postdoctoral Scientist(2013.7-2015.7) Theoretical and Computational Space Plasma Physics,DustyPlasma bainsphysics@yahoo.co.in |

Guang-Li Huang Guest Professor Solar Radio Physics and Space Plasma Physics |

Yao Chen Professor Physics and Space Weather Effects of Solar Eruptions yaochen@sdu.edu.cn |

Zheng-Hua Huang Associate Researcher Solar Atmosphere Physics, Coronal Heating and Solar Wind huangzhenghua@gmail.com |

Shadia Rifai Habbal Guest Professor Physics of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind |

Bo Li Professor Physics of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind bbl@sdu.edu.cn |

Chun-Lin Tian Postdoctoral Scientist Solar and Stellar Physics Numerical Simulation of MHD chunlin.tian2012@gmail.com |

Xing Li Guest Professor Physics of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind |

Quan-Qi Shi Professor Interplanetary and Magnetopsheric Physics sqq@sdu.edu.cn |
Vasanth Veluchamy Postdoctoral Scientist(2014.1-2017.7) Solar Radio Emissions, CMEs andSpace Weather Effects vasanth_velu2007@yahoo.co.in |

Gang Li Guest Professor Solar Energetic Particles, Solar Wind Turbulence |

Qing-He Zhang Professor Polar Ionosphere- Magnetosphere Coupling, Polar Ionospheric Irregularities zhangqinghe@sdu.edu.cn |

Bagrat Mailyan Postdoctoral Scientist(2013.11-2015.11) Solar Wind- Magnetosphere Interaction, High Energy Atmospheric Phenomena mbagrat@gmail.com |

Shun-Rong Zhang Guest Professor Physics of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere shunrong@haystack.mit.edu |

Hong-Qiang Song Professor Physics of CME, Flare and Prominence/Filament hqsong@sdu.edu.cn |

Xiang-Liang Kong Associate Researcher Solar eruptions and Particle acceleration kongx@sdu.edu.cn |

Victor F. Melnikov Visiting Professor Solar Radio Physics |
Chao-Ling Tang Professor Interplanetary and Magnetopsheric Physics, Dynamics of Radiation Belts tcl@sdu.edu.cn |

Wei-Xin Liu Associate Researcher Solar Instrument Development liuwx@sdu.edu.cn |

Qiang Hu Visiting Professor Space Plasma |
Gui-Ping Ruan Associate Professor Solar Magnetism, Solar Eruptions rgp@sdu.edu.cn |
Ming-Zhe Sun Postdoctoral Scientist Solar Instrument Development sunmingzhe2003@126.com |
 Maria S. Madjarska Guest Professor Solar Physic |
Shao-Xia Chen
Associate Professor Solar physics, waves and oscillations in the solar atmosphere ruxanna@sdu.edu.cn |
 Chong Huang Postdoctoral Scientist Solar Atmosphere Physics and Solar Wind huangchong@sdu.edu.cn |

Ding Yuan Vistiting Research Scientist(2013.8-2013.12) The Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere Ding.Yuan@warwick.ac.uk |
 Mao-Shui Lv Associate Professor Physics of Solar Eruptions lvmaoshui@sdu.edu.cn |

Shishir Priyadarshi Postdoctoral Scientist Ionospheric scintillation study and modeling, seismo-ionospheric coupling, study of ionospheric turbulence etc. spriyadarshi@.sdu.edu.cn |

Timo Pitkänen
Visiting Research Scientist |
 An-Min Tian Associate Professor Magnetospheric Physics tam_wb@sdu.edu.cn |
 Koval Artem Postdoctoral Scientist Solar radio emissions at low frequencies; Design of antenna arrays for low-frequency radio astronomy. art_koval@yahoo.com |
 Shi-Wei Feng Technician, PhD in Space Physics Physics and Space Weather Effects of Solar Eruptions winfeng@sdu.edu.cn |
 Rui-Sheng Zheng Associate Researcher Solar Eruption zhrsh@ynao.ac.cn |
Zan-Yang Xing
Associate Professor Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Auroral Physics and Ionospheric Physics xingzanyang@sdu.edu.cn |

Mahboub Hosseinpour Postdoctoral scientists Particle acceleration, magnetic reconnection, computionalplasma physics, MHD instabilities and waves mahboub@sdu.edu.cn |
 Hui Fu Associate Professor Physics of the Solar Atmosphere fuhui@sdu.edu.cn |
 Alex William Degeling Research Scientist Tel: 1555 386 3214 Email: Degeling@sdu.edu.cn |

Zhao Wu Technician Solar Eruptions wuzhao@sdu.edu.cn |

Motoharu Nowada Research Scientist Email: nowada@pku.edu.cn/ moto.nowada@sdu.edu.cn |
 Hui Yu Technician Coronal Dynamics yuhui516217@sdu.edu.cn |
Jian-Quan Li
Associate Researcher
Plasma Diagnostic lijianquan@sdu.edu.cn |