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Maria S. Madjarska
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Maria S. Madjarska

Guest Professor

Max-Planck Institute for Solar System


Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3

37077 Goettingen



and Academic Background

M.Sc., Astrophysics, Sofia University,

Bulgaria, 1992

M.Sc., Teacher in Physics and Mathematics,

Sofia University, Bulgaria, 1992

PhD, Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian

Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria; ``Dynamics and diagnostics of quiescent

solar prominences'', 2000


during PhD

01/10/1998 – 31/01/1999Research Fellowship of the French Government

at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France

01/10/1999 – 31/10/1999 Research Fellowship

of the French Government at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France

01/02/2000 – 31/05/2000 Visiting researcher

at Armagh Observatory, Armagh, N. Ireland



01/02/1993 - 14/04/2002Research Assistant, Solar Physics Group,

Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

15/04/2002 - 31/05/2003 Research Fellow,

Solar Physics Group, Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

Sofia, Bulgaria (from 1/10/2000 to 31/05/2003 on sabbatical leave)

10/2000 - 05/2003 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

06/2003 - 03/2004 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK

04/2004 - 09/2004 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Max-Planck-Institute fo Solar System Research, Germany

04/2005 - 03/2006 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Solar Physics Department, Belgium

04/2006 - 03/2009 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Max-Planck-Institute fo Solar System Research, Germany

04/2009 – 06/2010 Visiting Astronomer,

Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

07/2010 – 03/2012 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

06/2012 – 08/2012 Research Associate,

Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK

09/2012 – 12/2012 Visiting Astronomer,

Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

01/2013 – 03/2013 Post-doctoral Research

Assistant, Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

04/2013 – 07/2013 Visiting Astronomer,

Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

08/2013 – 08/2016 Leverhulme Trust Senior

Researcher, Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland, UK

08/2016 – present, Senior Researcher,

Max-Planck-Institute of Solar System Research, Germany


research Interests:

Coronal hole boundary evolution at

small-scales; Contribution of small-scale transients to coronal heating and

solar wind generation; Interrelation of small-scale transients in the solar

atmosphere; Destabilization and eruption of solar prominences. Formation and

evolution of X-ray jets and active region upflows, Coronal Waves, Coronal

Bright Points, Solar wind origin.


At the age of 13 I was given a book about

the life of Marie and Pierre Curie. I was so fascinated by the power of

research and knowledge that since then I threw myself into learning Physics and

Mathematics and never stopped. I have been working in Heliophysics for more

than 2 decades(my first project was on

Solar Prominences still in High School) and my motivation only grew with time

and experience.More specifically, I

- am involved in cutting-edge

interdisciplinary astrophysical research both as a leader and co-investigator;

- communicate my research findings through

peer-reviewed articles, conference and seminar talks;

- plan, fundraise and lead institutional,

inter-institutional and international projects;

- am involved in the definition of the

objective of new space missions;

- truly enjoy to correspond the exciting

astrophysical explorations with school children of any age and the public;

- am committed to serve the solar community

throughout reviewer, panel and advisory work worldwide;

- also strongly committed myself to educate

and support the young generation of researchers both nationally and


- have developed strong abilities to work

and socialize in multi-national and multi-cultural environments;

- am the author and co-author of more than

90 research papers, from which 64 in refereed journals;



Invited lecturer at the STFC Advanced Solar

Physics Summer School, Preston, 2010

Lecturer at the STFC Introductory Solar

System Plasmas Summer School hosted by Armagh Observatory, 2012

Invited lecturer, Shandong University Weihai,

4 lectures, July 2015, 2016

Invited lecturer, Helsinki University,

October 2015, February 2016


supervision - PhD and undergraduate:

Supervisor of M.Sc. student, 2008, 3

months, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Germany

Co-supervisor of PhD students since 2001,

Armagh Observatory

Co-supervisor of international students,

China, South Korea


Space Science Institute participation:

A team member of an ISSI team

“Understanding the Role of Current Sheets in Solar Eruptive Events”, G. Poletto

(2006 – 2007)

A team co-leader on “Small-scale transient

phenomena and their contribution to coronal heating” (2008 -2009)

A team member of an ISSI team on “Magnetic

flux emergence in the solar atmosphere”, K. Galsgaard & F. Zuccarello (2010

- 2011)

A team member of an ISSI team on “Solar UV

Bursts - A New Insight to Magnetic Reconnection”, P. Young (2015 - 2017)

A team member of an ISSI team on

“Observation-Driven Modelling of Solar Phenomena” leader K. Galsgaard, (2016 -




Convenor of a scientific session, National

Astronomical Meeting UKSP/MIST, Glasgow, April 12-16, 2010

Convenor of a scientific session at the EGU

General Assembly, April 7-12, 2013, on “Small-scale transient phenomena in the

solar atmosphere and their role in solar wind generation and acceleration”

A co-organizer of an STFC Introductory

Solar System Plasmas Summer School hosted by Armagh Observatory


and space based instrumentation: Working with the following instruments:

SUMER, CDS, MDI and EIT on-board the

ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SoHO)


EIS, XRT and SOT on-board Hinode (Solar-B),

Japanese-led mission with ESA and NASA participation

AIA and HMI onboard the SDO

Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)



IBIS/NSO (reduction and analysis)


Big Bear Observatory (analysis)

Expertise on multi-instrument/satellite

data analysis, coordinator of numerous multi-satellite and multi-instrument

observing campaigns since 1999.

Languages:Bulgarian, English, French, Russian, and German


selected peer-review publications

Huang, Z. Madjarska, M. S.,Scullion, E. M., Xia, L., Doyle, J. G., Ray,

T., 2017, “Explosive events in active region observed by IRIS and SST/CRISP”,

MNRS, 464, 1753

Kilpua, E. K. J.; Madjarska, M. S.; Karna,

N.; Wiegelmann, T.; Farrugia, C.; Yu, W.; Andreeova, K., 2016,"Sources of the Slow Solar Wind During

the Solar Cycle 23/24 Minimum", Sol. Phys., 291, 2441

Kwak, H., Chae, J., Song, D., Kim, Y.-H.,

Lim, E.-K.,Madjarska, M.S., 2016, “Oscillatory Response of the Solar

Chromosphere to a Strong Downflow Event in a Sunspot”, ApJ, 821, 30

Hou, Z.; Huang, Z.; Xia, L.; Li, B.;

Madjarska, M. S.; Fu, H.; Mou, C.; Xie, H., 2016, "Narrow-line-width UV

Bursts in the Transition Region above Sunspots Observed by IRIS”, ApJ, 829, 30

Duchlev, P.; Koleva, K.; Madjarska, M. S.;

Dechev, M. “Homologous prominence non-radial eruptions: A case study”, New

Astronomy, 48, 66

Mou, C., Huang, L. Madjarska, M. S., Li,

B., Fu, H., Jiao, F.,Hou, Z., 2016,

“Magnetic flux supplement to coronal bright points" , ApJ, 818, 9.

Vanninathan, K., Madjarska, M. S.,

Galsgaard, K., Huang, Z., Doyle, J. G., 2015, “Active region outflows: I.

Multi-instrument observations”, A&A, 584, 38

Galsgaard, K., Madjarska, M. S.,

Vanninathan,K., Huang, Z., M. Presmann., 2015, “Active region outflows: II.

Data driven MHD experiment”, A&A, 584, 39

Vanninathan, K., Veronig, M., Sissauer, K.,

Madjarska, M. S., Hannah, I.G., Kontar, E.P., 2015,“Coronal response to an EUV wave from DEM

analysis”, ApJ,in press

Huang, Z., Xia, L., Li, B., Madjarska M.

S., 2015, “Cool Transition Region Loops Observed by the Interface Region

Imaging Spectrograph”, ApJ, 810, 46

Madjarska, M. S., Doyle, J.G., Shetye, J.,

2015, “A coronal wave and an asymmetric eruptive filament in SUMER, CDS, EIT,

and TRACE co-observations”, A&A, 575, 39

Huang, Z., Madjarska, M. S., Xia, L.,

Doyle, J.G., Galsgaard, K., Fu, H., 2015, “Explosive Events on a Subarcsecond

Scale in IRIS Observations: A Case Study”, ApJ, 7097, 14

Huang, Z., Madjarska, M. S., Koleva, K.,

Doyle, J.G., Duchlev, P., Dechev, M., Reardon, K., 2014, “Halpha spectroscopy

and multi-wavelength imaging of a solar flare caused by filament eruption”,

A&A, 556, 148





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