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Victor F. Melnikov
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Victor F. Melnikov

Visiting Professor (2014.04 - 2014. 05)

Solar Radio physics


1990:Ph.D. in Radio Astronomy

Radiophysical Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia); Supervisor: Prof. V. V. Zaitsev

Subject:Relationships between Microwave, Hard X-ray, and Corpuscular Emissions of Solar Flares

1975:M. Sc. in Physics

Physics Faculty (radio physics) of the Saratov State Univesity (Saratov, Russia); Supervisor: Prof. A. V. Khokhlov

Subject: Radio Spectrography of Broad Band Solar Flare Radio Emission


1975 to present:Radiophysical Research Institute (NIRFI) of the Russian Ministry of Education (Nizhny Novgorod Russia)

Positions held:leading scientist, senior scientist, researcher,junior researcher, engineer-observer, electronic engineer.

2001.07 - 2002.04: Nobeyama Radio Observatory(Nobeyama, Japan)

Position held: visiting research fellow

1998.08 - 1999.08: CRAAE/CRAAM (Center for Radio Astronomy and Space Research), MacKenzie(Sao Paulo, Brasil)

Position held: visiting professor

TEACHING(part time)

1993- 1997: scientific director of the Nizhny Novgorod Aerospace Education Center

1989 - 1993:associate professor, assistant professor at the general physics department of the Nizhny Novgorod Higher School for Building-Trade


Eurasian Astronomical Union Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers; Sections "The Sun"and "Plasma processes in magnetospheres of planets, in atmospheres of the Sun and stars" of Russian Academy of Sciences; Scientific council of the Nizhny Novgorod planetarium.


1.Radiophysical methods in astronomy; radio interferometry, solar radio spectrometry

2. Observational properties of solar radio emission. Relationships between radio, hard X-ray, gamma-ray,and corpuscular emissions of the Sun.

3. Digital data analysis, image processing (IDL), programming and model simulations(IDL, Fortran)

4. Physical processes in solar and stellar flares: magnetic reconnection, energy release and heating; emission mechanisms and models; flare particle acceleration, kinetics in closed magnetic structures, and escape into interplanetary medium.

5. Solar-terrestrial relationships.


September 2000:

Invited review on Broadband microwave emission and problems of acceleration and transport of electrons in flare loops, International Workshop "Sun at the Top of the maximum and the Solar/Stellar Connection" September, 17-22,2000, Saint Petersburg, Russia

August 1999:

Invited review on Solar millisecond radio spikes, workshop "Solar radio bursts and relevant plasma physics researches", August, 15-19, 1999, Wei Fang, China

December 1998

Published review paper on Millisecond solar radio spikes: Fleishman G. D., Melnikov V. F., Physics-Uspekhi, 1998, V. 41, N. 12,; P. 1157-1189

Recent publication:

1. Melnikov, V. F., Charikov, Yu E., Kudryavtsev, I. V., Spatial brightness distribution of hard X-Ray emission along flare loops,Geomagnetism and aeronomy53, 7, 863-866, 2013, DOI: 10.1134/S0016793213070153

2. Filatov, L. V., Melnikov, V. F., Gorbikov, S. P., Dynamics of the spatial distribution of electrons and their gyrosynchrotron emission characteristics in a collapsing magnetic trap,Geomagnetism and aeronomy,53, 8, 1007-1012, 2013,DOI: 10.1134/S0016793213080057

3. Zaitsev, V. V., Stepanov, A. V.,Melnikov, V. F.,Sub-terahertz emission from solar flares: The plasma mechanism of chromospheric emission, Astronomy Letters-A, 39, 9, 650-659, 2013, DOI: 10.1134/S1063773713090089

4. Shen, JH, Melnikov, V. F., Zhou, TH, Ji, HS, Analysis of the coronal source of the partially limb-occulted flare on 2002 July 20, Research in Astronomy and AstroPhysics, 13, 8, 961-977, 2013

5. Kuznetsov, S. A, Melnikov, V. F., Modeling the Effect of Plasma Density on the Dynamics of the Microwave Spectrum of Solar Flaring Loops, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, 52, 7, 883-891, 2012, DOI: 10.1134/S0016793212070092





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