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12年06月:The Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference
录入者:  |  时间:2011-04-08 03:52:20  |  作者:佚名  |  浏览次数:

SOLAR WIND 13, June 17-22, 2012, Big Island, Hawaii, USA


From: Gary P. Zank

The Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference, organized by the

University of Alabama in Huntsville's Center of Space Plasma and Aeronomic

Research (CSPAR) and the the University of California, Berkeley's Space

Sciences Laboratory, will take place at Sheraton Keauhou Resort on Big

Island, Hawaii, USA, from 17 to 22 June 2012. Please note that scientific

sessions will start on Monday 18 June.

The conference will conform to the traditional solar wind themes, addressing

the current state of knowledge in the relevant fields of solar and

heliospheric physics. In particular, the conference will focus on the

physics ofthe corona, the origin and acceleration of the solar wind, its

dynamical interactions throughout the heliosphere and the interstellar

medium and its boundaries. The program will be composed of both invited

lectures and contributed talks and posters.

Refereed proceedings will be published by AIP, as soon as possible after the


Details for registration and hotel reservations will be forthcoming in a

second announcement.

Preliminary questions can be sent to Gary P Zank (garyp.zank@gmail.com) or

Stuart D. Bale (bale@ssl.berkeley.edu)






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