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12年08月:AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly
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AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly

13 to 17 August, 2012

Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore

Introduction on AOGS

An international body established since 2003, the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) aims to promote geosciences and advance its applications for the benefit of humanity in Asia and Oceania.

As these regions have been most prone to natural hazards, accounting for approximately 80% of human lives lost globally due to such catastrophes, we are committed to our calling to better address hazard related issues.

We actively contribute through publications of international journals and an annual convention that brings with it great opportunities for various geosciences fields to engage and exchange academic information, research findings and developments.

As part of the geosciences community worldwide, we also recognize the importance of developing collaborations with our global counterparts and have established good cooperation with fellow bodies including the European Geosciences Union (EGU), American Geophysical Union (AGU), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), and Science Council of Asia (SCA).






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