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16年08月:AOGS 2016年会
录入者:  |  时间:2015-12-03 12:07:13  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:


AOGS 13th Annual Meeting

31 Jul to 5 Aug, 2016

Beijing, China

Introduction to AOGS

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) was established in 2003

to promote geosciences and its application for the benefit of humanity,

specifically in Asia and Oceania and with an overarching approach to

global issues.

Asia- Oceania region is particularly vulnerable to natural

hazards, accounting for almost 80% human lives lost globally. AOGS is

deeply involved in addressing hazard related issues through improving

our understanding of the genesis of hazards through scientific, social

and technical approaches.

AOGS holds annual conventions providing a unique opportunity of

exchanging scientific knowledge and discussion to address important

geo-scientific issues among academia, research institution and public.

Recognizing the need of global collaboration, AOGS has developed

good co-operation with other international geo-science societies and

unions such as the European Geosciences Union (EGU), American

Geophysical Union (AGU), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

(IUGG), Japan Geo-science Union (JpGU), and Science Council of Asia






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