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14年10月:SCOSTEP's 13th Quadrennial Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
录入者:  |  时间:2014-03-19 16:49:51  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

This is the thirteenth in the series of

Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposia organized by the Scientific Committee

on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and held approximately every

four years. SCOSTEP is engaged in three activities: long-term scientific

programs, capacity building, and public outreach. The scientific

programs are designed to advance our understanding of the solar

terrestrial relationship using space- and ground-based data,

cutting-edge models, and theory. SCOSTEP programs are thus of

interdisciplinary nature and involve scientists from all over the world.

In 2013, the Climate and Weather in the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES)

program ended, and the new program known as the Variability of the Sun

and Its terrestrial Impact (VarSITI) started. The underlying theme of

SCOSTEP scientific programs is the way Sun affects Earth over various

time scales. The VarSITI program expands the solar terrestrial physics

to a broader context to star-planet interaction, which might further our

scientific understanding of Sun-Earth connection. This Symposium, known

as STP13 for short, will highlight results obtained during the CAWSES

program and the new results from the VarSITI program.

The symposium will be held on October 12-17, 2014 in Xi'An, Shanxi, China.






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