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01/03/20:韩国天文和空间科学研究所Cho Kyung-Suk博士学术报告
录入者:于飞瑜  |  时间:2019-12-31 17:26:52  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

Title: Development fo the Balloon Coronagraph, BITSE

Cho Kyung-Suk / Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute




To provide crucial measurements of the electron temperature and velocities in the corona, KASI in collaboration with GSFC develops a coronagraph for the International Space Station. To increase the TRL of new techniques of the coronagraph sub-systems, we performed the balloon experiment last September at the Fort Sumner, NM using a gondola developed by Wallops and a balloon of CSBF. In this presentation, I will introduce the development & test processes of the balloon coronagraph.
Additionally, I will introduce the development of a Coronal Integral Field Spectrograph (CorIFS) for total solar eclipse observation. CorIFS designed using a 20x20 micro lenslet and a grism to measure a polarized brightness spectrum over the FOV of 1-1.5 solar radius.





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