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时间: 9月01日上午10:00 -

地点: 科学实验楼四楼学术报告厅

报告人: Suli Ma (马素丽) 美国哈佛大学-史密松天体物理中心\中科院云南天文台

Evidence for Missing Weak Halo CMEs

S. Ma, M. J. Wills-Davey, A. Davey, J. Lin, L. Golub

By taking advantage of STEREO's dual perspective, this work offers the distinct evidence that when the weak CMEs propagate towards some coronagraphs, they are not easy to be observed by these coronagraphs. Among those missing weak CMEs, at least some of them are associated with distinct dimming areas or EIT waves. This paper suggests that the relationship between CMEs and dimming areas or EIT waves is stronger than what we have got from the present statistical results. Furthermore, we find that the coronal helmet streamers seem to play an important role on the morphology of weak CMEs during they passing by.





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