时间: 2011年8月8日(周一)下午4:20-5:50
地点: 科学实验楼报告厅
题目: Stochastic Methods for SEP and Cosmic rays
主讲: Chunsheng Pei 博士
内容简介:Stochastic Methods are powerful since they take advantage of the cheap clusters in last few years. There are two different stochastic method, namely, the test particle method and the pseudo particle method. The test particle gyrates around the field line and is scattered by turbulence. The pseudo particle walks randomly in space. But there is one thing they are in common: every particle is independent of others which enables 100% parallel codes. Both stochastic methods can be used to model the transport of solar energetic particles and cosmic rays. I will present the details on how to implement these methods and discuss their results. I will also show that our pseudo code is the only one which has been thoroughly validated for SEP and cosmic rays.
主讲简介:Chunsheng Pei, who is from Rizhao, graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2001, then went to the University of Arizona. In 2003 he changed his specialty from Fluid Dynamics to Space Physics, working with Professor Randy Jokipii. He is working in Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware since he got his PhD in 2007. His works are focused on the transport of SEPs and cosmic rays.