时间: 2011年8月8日(周一)下午2:40-4:10
地点: 科学实验楼报告厅
题目: Understanding Particle Acceleration and Cosmic Ray Modulation using Stochastic Integration Method: A Preview
主讲: 郭帆 博士
内容简介:Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the main driver of space weather. Their effects (acceleration, transport, and modulation) on energetic charged particles are of particular interst. I will primarily talk about the application of stochastic integration method in understanding particle acceleration and cosmic ray Modulation (Forbush Decrease) driven by CMEs. I will focus on the coupling between the particle transport and MHD simulation, and some numerical issues will be discussed. Some related observations will be reviewed. A recent paper (Guo et al. ApJ 725, 128) and some preliminary results will be presented.
研究生,亚利桑那大学,导师:Joe Giacalone