时间: 2011年8月7日(周日)上午10:50-11:30
地点: 科学实验楼报告厅
题目: Hot Flow Anomalies
主讲: 张慧教授
Dr. Hui Zhang received her B.A. from Peking University, China in 2002,
and her Ph.D in Astronomy from Boston University in 2008. She spent
two years as a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at the NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center. She joined the physics department at University of
Alaska Fairbanks as an assistant professor in August, 2010. Her
research interests include the structure and dynamics of the Earth's
dayside magnetosphere, including the magnetosheath, magnetopause,
boundary layer, and cusp. Other research includes energetic particle
acceleration by magnetic reconnection and diffusion physics, as well
as the interaction of interplanetary shocks with the earth's bow
shock, magnetosphere, and the global effects resulting from the
interaction, such as particle accelerations in the inner magnetosphere
and magnetic pulsations on the ground. She is also interested in
foreshock phenomena such as Hot Flow Anomalies and foreshock cavities,
as well as MHD simulations.
The awards she has received include several research grants from NSF
and NASA, the NASA postdoctoral fellowship (2008), and two AGU
Outstanding Student Paper Awards (2006 and 2007). She has served as
the guest editor of the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar -Terrestrial
Physics special issue on Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind
Discontinuities (2009-2010). She has co-convened several conferences.
She has served as a reviewer for various journals and NSF. She has
also served as a judge for AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award (2009,