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时间: 2011年5月5日(周四)下午3:00-5:30

地点: 科学实验楼报告厅

题目: A New View of Coronal Mass Ejections from STEREO

主讲: 刘颍 博士

内容简介:The twin STEREO spacecraft, launched on October 26, 2006, provide a unique and revolutionary view of the Sun-Earth system at vantage points away from the Sun-Earth line. The primary objective of STEREO is to understand the origin and consequences of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the most spectacular eruptions on the Sun and the drivers of major space weather effects. This talk will describe the recent progress in understanding CMEs using coordinated remote-sensing and in situ observations from STEREO, specifically, (1) the nature and origin of coronal waves and shocks; (2) Sun-to-1 AU propagation of CMEs; (3) CME reconstruction and global structure; and (4) the longitudinal distribution of gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events.

主讲简介:Dr. Ying Liu is a research physicist at the Space Sciences Laboratory,UC Berkeley.He got a Ph.D. from the Department of Physics at MIT.He works on space plasma physics, solar physics, and space weather. He is particularly interested in various crucial physical processes in space and astrophysical plasmas including catastrophe phenomena, shocks, waves and instabilities, turbulence and dissipation, magnetic reconnection, and particle acceleration. Hiscurrent work is focused on coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their effects on space weather.He uses multi-wavelength observations and in situ measurements to investigate CME initiation, interplanetary propagation, and space weather forecasting.





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