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录入者:  |  时间:2012-08-06 12:27:38  |  作者:史全岐  |  浏览次数:



题目:Magnetopause behaviour deduced using Cluster-Double star-THEMIS multi-scale observations

主讲:Dunlop 教授


Dunlop教授2002年之前在伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)做研究员,2002年之后被聘为卢瑟福实验室(RAL)磁层物理研究组负责人以及相关课题的项目负责人,主要负责空间等离子体和行星数据的探测。他的研究工作主要围绕磁层边界、重联和电流层的过程,尤其是多颗卫星技术的研发等,在此基础上开展了一系列的合作研究;例如,他是三个获得高度成就的国际空间所(ISSI)科学团队的牵头人以及许多研究助理(RA)和学生(包括中国学生)的导师。他是Cluster计划发表文章最多的作者(在Cluster十周年研讨会上获得两个特别奖)。他目前是帝国理工学院(Imperial College)的客座教授,发表了大约300篇文章,其中30%为第一、第二或第三作者。他同时在中英合作中扮演者重要角色:最先参与了Cluster-双星多点探测计划的筹备工作,并通过北京的外交与英联邦办公室(FCO)以及上海的英国研究理事会(RCUK)组织了一系列关于空间技术的研讨会。他在中国科学院空间中心(CSSAR)和中国极地研究中心(PRIC)任客座职位,现以资深国际科学家身份担任中国科学院(CAS)的客座教授(grant no. 2009S1-54)。他是夸父计划高能粒子探测仪器的预期PI,Cross-scale、SWARM等计划的积极推动者之一。他是Cluster计划FGM和Rapid仪器的合作科学家(Co-I),在双星计划中他是FGM以及PEACE仪器的合作科学家(Co-I),并且还是CIS和HEED仪器的客座研究者(G-I)。Dunlop教授在卫星数据处理方面经验非常丰富,参与着很多的科学计划,并且还是许多科学协会、国际工作组以及客座研究团队的成员。


The operation and extent across the Earth's magnetopause of fast magnetic reconnection (MR), the dominant process responsible for energy and plasma transport into the magnetosphere, has previously been only indirectly shown by observations. The key result here was to report for the first time direct evidence of the X-line structure resulting from the operation of MR at two widely separated locations along the expected sub-solar merging line (line of maximum current) on the Earth's magnetopause; confirming the extended operation of MR across this region. The evidence results from observations of the associated ion and electron plasma distributions, present within the magnetic X-line structure, which are taken from a conjunction of the THEMIS-A spacecraft and the Double Star, TC-1 spacecraft, separated by ~9 RE near the low latitude, sub-solar region of the Earth's magnetopause, either side of noon. The two spacecraft passed through active MR regions on the predicted, tilted magnetic merging line simultaneously.

During April to July2007 acombination of 10 spacecraft provided simultaneous monitoring of the dayside magnetopause across a wide range of local times and other work centres on this coverage. The array of four Cluster spacecraft, separated at large distances (10,000 km), were traversing the dawn-side magnetopause at high and low latitudes; the five THEMIS spacecraft were often in a 4+1 grouped configuration, traversing the low latitude, dusk-side magnetosphere, and the Double star, TC-1 spacecraft was in an equatorial orbit between the local times of the THEMIS and Cluster orbits. A number of near simultaneous conjunctions of all 10 spacecraft at the magnetopause were also shown. One conjunction identifies an extended magnetic reconnection X-line, tilted in the low latitude, sub-solar region (LLBL), which exists together with active anti-parallel reconnection sites extending to flank locations. Oppositely moving FTE's are observed on all spacecraft, consistent with the initially strong IMF By conditions comparative locations both dusk-ward and dawn-ward of noon. Other conjunctions of magnetopause crossings distributed over wide local times support the result that reconnection activity may occur at many sites simultaneously across the sub-soar and flank magnetopause. In addition, these conjunctions allow the global magnetopause response to both pressure and IMF changes to be observed and directly confirm its shape, motion and deformation at local noon, dawn and dusk-side, simultaneously.

Other previous work, using the Cluster and Double star conjunctions was reviewed.





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