题目:Heliospheric current sheet and plasma sheet associated with heat flux dropouts: A statistical survey using STEREO observations.
2006年UNH获得博士学位,空间物理方向,导师MARTIN LEE。
2007年从事CME模拟研究,博士后导师是MERAV OPHER。
Early studies have shown that the heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) straddles heliospheric current sheet (HCS); recent study find that most of HPSs are on one side of and adjacent to HCSs. We investigate all HCS crossing events and the related HPS on both STEREO spacecraft from Mar, 1, 2007 to Dec, 2008 to determine the relative position for them. We find that the observed plasma sheets can be categorized into two types: Type I plasma sheets straddle the current sheets; type II plasma sheets are located on the one side of the current sheets. The suprathermal electron heat fluxes are documented for each event to study the origin of the different type of HPS. We find that most of the Type II HCSs don’t have an electron heat flux dropout (HFD), but a large portion of type I HPSs have a HFD near it. Schematic reconnection mechanisms are proposed to explain the origin of the two types of HPSs.