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08/24/12:美国Wisconsin-Madison大学天文系Alex Lazarian教授学术报告
录入者:  |  时间:2012-08-24 09:41:14  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

题目: Reconnection in weakly turbulent fluids and particle acceleration

主讲: 美国Wisconsin-Madison大学天文系Alex Lazarian教授

时间: 2012年8月24日(周五)上午10:00-11:50

地点: 科学实验楼报告厅

内容简介: Astrophysical fluids are definitely turbulent and turbulence is known to change many properties of fluids. How about the concept of magnetic fields being nearly perfectly frozen in? Magnetic reconnection induced by turbulence allows efficient diffusion of magnetic field and fluids and makes the strict traditional concept of fields perfectly frozen in plasma only applicable to laminar fluids. Instead, in turbulent fluids reconnection-induced diffusion allows efficient mass and flux transport. I shall discuss the deep relation between magnetic reconnection and turbulence as well as the acceleration of energetic particles in reconnection sites.


Alex Lazarian is a Full Professor at the Department of Astronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also holds a joint appointment at the Department of Physics. He is recipient of several prizes, including Senior Humboldt Award.

Alex Lazarian did his Diploma in Moscow being a student of the Nobel Prize Winner

Professor V. Ginzburg. Then in 1990 he won Soros award to go to Oxford and then he got Isaak Newton Scholarship at Trinity College (Cambridge). He got his PhD from the Department of Applied Mathematics (Cambridge University) in 1994.

Research experience of Alex Lazarian includes postdoctoral work in Harvard, Princeton and Austin and a Senior Fellow position at the Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. Since 1999 Alex Lazarian is a faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Alex Lazarian leads an active research group at Madison. All of his students and postdocs proceed successfully with their research carriers. Most of them have become faculty at the major research oriented universities. He is also engaged in intensive international collaboration which involves groups in Europe, Asia as well as North and South America.

Research interests of Alex Lazarian are broad. His major contributions are in the field of magnetic reconnection and its implications, theory of magnetic turbulence and its implications for cosmic ray propagation and acceleration, physics of interstellar dust, in particularly, dust alignment, theory of spinning dust emission, developing techniques of studying turbulence from observations.





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