Normal07.8 磅02falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-CNX-NONEOn The Evolution of CME and CME-driven Shock In the Heliosphere
Time:May4, 2014,Sunday, 09: 00-10:00
Normal07.8 磅02falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-CNX-NONEThe full evolution of CME and CME-driven shock from the Sun to the Earth will be discussed. A CME in the interplanetary space (ICME) usually consists of the ejecta itself (often a magnetic flux rope structure), a driven shock and the sheath region between the shock front and the ejecta front. The kinematic evolutions of the shock and the ejecta are subject to difference forces, thus have different behavior. To investigate the evolutions, we will present a detailed study of the Sun-to-Earth event on July 12-15, 2012. Observations indicate that the CME ejecta front undergoes a more rapid deceleration than the shock front near the Sun. While the two features are coupled very strongly near the Sun, in the heliosphere the shock wave acts more as an independent wave rather than having its propagation determined by the ejecta. Using the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) model as well as data from time-elongation stack plots and in-situ signatures, we show that the drag model can accurately describe the behavior of each front, but is more effective with the ejecta.
CV of Prof. Zhang Jie