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A Low Coronal Shock Wave and It Associated Solar Eruption Observed by the SDO/AIA
Time:May4, 2014,Sunday, 15: 00-16:00
Using the EUV observation from the SDO/AIA and the radio observation from Learmonth Observatory, we study a low coronal shock wave and its associated solar eruption occurred on 2013 Nov 19. Our initial results are: (1) the shock wave appeared as a dome-like enhancement propagating ahead of its associated CME bubble; (2) the shock wave first appeared at 10:22 UT with a height of ~1.17 Rsun; (3) the thickness of the shock wave increased in the FOV of AIA; (4) the density compression of the shock is around 1.4 according to the radio data; (5) the speed of the shock wave seems to be a constant around 600 km/s.