时间:4月2日周三 4:15-5:15地点:南楼 211 会议室
2002-2006年 中国科技大学空间物理专业本科
2006-2011年 中科院空间中心博士
2011年至今 中科院空间中心天气室工作
Radial interplanetary magnetic field
and its impact on earth‘s magnetospheric system
Abstract: The radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), which means the IMF orientation is aligned with the solar wind velocity, is a special state of the solar wind. In this talk, the origin, occurrence numbers of long duration of radial IMF events and their characters are first reviewed. And then, the responses of magnetospheric system to radial IMFs are discussed, which seem to be very different from conventional cases. For example, the location of subsolar magnetopause would move outward by ~2Re comparing with model predictions, which makes the magnetosheath thinner than usual. However, many features of the magnetosphere under the radial IMF still remain open. Here a global MHD simulation is performed, and the most important features that characterize magnetospheric activities (such as magnetic reconnections, the associated magnetospheric convection, the interhemispheric asymmetry, Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex and the ground geomagnetic activity) are investigated. These results imply the controlling role of the IMF direction between the solar wind and magnetosphere interactions