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02/18/14:美国夏威夷大学天文所Shadia Rifai Habbal教授报告
录入者:  |  时间:2014-02-18 15:22:27  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

时间:2月18日 9:30

Time:18th Feb,2014


题目:New Insights into the Prominence-Corona Environment from Total Solar Eclipse Observations

摘要:I will present some recent results from total solar eclipse observations, primarily in white light, and complemented by multi-wavelength

observations in the coronal forbidden lines of Fe X, Fe XI and Fe XIV. These observations span almost a decade, starting from 2001 until 2010.

They reveal a new view on the intricate structures in the immediate environment of prominences. They also reveal the presence of a new class of faint coronal structures reminiscent of plasma instabilities covering a very broad spatial range.

时间:2月20日 10:40


题目:Unique coronal diagnostics with emission line observations





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