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09/17/13:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 Frank S. Tsung博士学术报告
录入者:  |  时间:2013-09-10 11:43:48  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

Particle-in-cell Simulation On Exascale supercomputers

Dr.Frank S. Tsung


Time:16:10-17:30,September17, 2013


Particle-in-cell simulations, which solves fundamental equations such as Maxwell’s equation and the Lorentz equation, makes very little assumption about the physics problem, is an attractive model for a large number of problems in plasma physics, including basic plasma physics, laboratory plasmas, and space plasmas. However, the simplicity of the algorithm demands more computational resources than other simulation models, and requires the PIC method to ported to the fastest supercomputers in the world.

Currently, the fastest computers are in the 10 petaflops (1015 operations/second) range and uses 1-10MW of power. To scale these machines to the exaflops (1018 operations/second) range using current technology would require a power supply of 1GW. Therefore, exaflops supercomputers will use computer hardwares which are different than those used today (such as the Intel Phi or the NVidia GPU’s) and require a new programming model. The UCLA simulation group has begun porting our codes to these new hardwares and I will discuss one possible path to port PIC codes to future exascale supercomputers.

Frank S. Tsung,Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.The UCLA Plasma Simulation Group.






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