Plasma Turbulence and Stochastic Ion Heating
Plasma turbulence at kinetic scales attracts considerable interest due to its importance for solar wind heating, magnetic reconnection, and laboratory experiments. The nature of such turbulence is not well understood. Existing phenomenological models typically address the plasma turbulence either at hydrodynamic scales (larger than the plasma microscales such that the ion gyroscale, inertial scale, acoustic scale), or at small subproton scales. Our current study will bridge the gap between those two distinct regimes. It will address the transition from the strong large-scale Alfven turbulence to small-scale Kinetic-Alfven turbulence. Progress and plans for the other applications will also be discussed in this talk.
夏倩,2012在University of New Hampshire获物理学博士学位,之后在University of Wisconsin, Madison任职Research Associate。一直以来专注于等离子体湍流的数值模拟和数据分析方面的研究,并担任若干科学计算项目负责人。