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09/10/15:美国麻省理工学院Haystack观象台John Foster研究员学术报告
录入者:  |  时间:2015-09-11 09:17:56  |  作者:  |  浏览次数:

Recent Observations of the Substorm Polarization Stream

美国MIT Haystack观象台 John Foster 研究员



Recent Observations of the Substorm Polarization Stream

My current project involves linking the plume, SAPS and SED in the ionosphere, TOI and patches at polar latitudes in a cohesive pictures of the overall interconnections among these various (by name) phenomena. I contend that they are all part of the circulation of ionosphere/plasmasphere plasma through the coupled system - the geospace plume. I would be happy to give the lecture going into more detail on this material. I'm always happy to try to answer questions.

John C. Foster, Currently Associate Director, MIT Haystack Observatory and MIT Principal Research Scientist [1983-present]; previously Associate Research Professor, Utah State University (1978-83); previously Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada (ISIS satellite program) [1975-87]; PhD Univ. of Maryland - Physics; undergraduate BS - Physics - Boston College. Research Interests:magnetosphere-ionospheric coupling; radiation belt.





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