题目:A review of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at Earth’s magnetopause
摘要:Kelvin-Helmholtz instability has been suggested to be generated at magnetospheric boundary due to the large plasma velocity shear of the magnetopause, and can transfer solar wind energy, momentum and plasma into the magnetosphere. The talk will present a comprehensive review of the KHI. The issues based on of various observational and simulation works are: 1. Linear MHD theory analysis, 2. what does KHW look like? 3. what can KHW do in SW-M-I coupling system? 4. what is the ending of KHW? 5. a comparison of KHW at Mercury’s, Earth’s, and Saturn’s magnetospheres.
李文亚 个人简介:
2005-2009年 中国科学技术大学空间物理学士学位
2009-2014年 中国科学院大学博士学位
2014年7月至今 中国科学院空间中心工作