美国MIT Haystack Observatory张顺荣研究员 学术报告
A new type of ionospheric longitudinal variations
美国麻省理工学院Haystack观象台 Shunrong Zhang研究员
A new type of ionospheric longitudinal variations
Large spatial variations of the upper atmosphere have often been explained in terms of the offset between magnetic and geographic coordinates. However, a new class of ionospheric longitudinal variations at mid-latitudes have recently been identified, and these variations have nothing to do with this offset. They exhibit east-west electron density differences on two side of the magnetic zero declination, with characteristic diurnal and seasonal variations. They appear to be very significant mostly throughout mid-latitudes, being noticed firstly in North America, then in East Asian, South America, and Oceania sectors. We suggest that combined effects of varying declination and thermospheric zonal winds account for this new class of mid-latitude ionospheric variations.
张顺荣,1983年本科毕业于北京大学地球物理系空间物理专业,同年七月进入中科院武汉物理研究所工作; 1995年获中科院武汉物理研究所电离层物理专业博士学位。他在美国麻省理工学院Haystack观象台工作14年。在其近20年海外工作期间,曾经在意大利国际理论物理中心 (ICTP)、日本京都大学、美国波士顿大学等学术机构和大学工作。曾经入选1998年中国科学院百人计划项目。曾经获得COSPAR 颁发的Zeldovich奖和中国青年科技奖。专注于空间科学尤其是电离层和热层物理的研究工作,高层大气的雷达研究等。近年来致力于与中国学者的交流和合作。