报告人:英国中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire, Preston) 袁丁博士
报告题目:Abnormal Oscillations associated with inhomogeneities in sunspots
报告摘要:In this talk, I will presents sunspot oscillations and its applications in diagnosing the magnetic and thermal structure of a sunspot. In case of a sunspot with inhomogeneities, such as light bridges and stratification, the sunspot oscillations are modified significantly. The inhomogeneities have fine structures in contrast to axial-symmetric sunspots, therefore, their existence in a sunspot will affect the dynamic activities and could be used as a tool for exploring the fine structure of a sunspot. In the long term, the inhomogeneities plays an significant role in the evolution and morphology of a sunspot, which is a main determinant of explosive events in space weather.