MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8 磅Normal0题目:Severe space weather and its relevance to the High-Tech society
报告人:Prof. Balan Nanan
(University of Sheffield, UK)
Like Earth’s weather space weather sometimes become severe. When it becomes severe it can cause extensive social and economic disturbances in the high-tech society by damaging satellite systems and ground systems. For example, an event such as the Carrington event of 1859 at present times can cause serious damages costing up to 1 to 2 trillion US Dollars.
The seminar will introduce severe space weather (SvSW), suggest a new parameter of geomagnetic storms for space weather applications, address what determines the severity of space weather as experienced by electric power grids and telegraph systems, develop a scheme for forecasting SvSW, and discuss the mechanisms of SvSW.
Balan Nanan教授是国际著名的空间物理学家,从事地球电离层-磁层及空间天气环境研究长达40多年,先后在印度、英国等地工作,并长期在日本、巴西及台湾等地开展合作研究。Balan教授作为国际访问学者将在中科院地质与地球物理研究所的地球与行星物理重点实验室开展一年的合作研究。Balan教授在空间物理探测及空间等离子体理论研究两方面均有很高造诣。尽管已经退休,依然是学术界非常活跃的空间物理学家之一。已在JGR、GRL等空间物理权威期刊上发表了120多篇学术论文,SCI引用超过2500次,并多次担任COSPAR, IUGG, IAGA, AOGS, CPEA等多个国际学术组织分会主席和国际会议专题召集人。