The Center for Space Weather Studies (CSW) was officially established in January 2008.The faculty members of the center are mainly affiliated with the School of Space Science and Physics, Shandong University at Weihai. Researchesat CSW focus on a variety of topics including the physics of the solar atmosphere, the physics of solar eruptions and associated space weather effects, the coupling of the interplanetary-magnetosphere-ionosphere system, and developments of space instruments. CSW is mainly supported by SDU, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other national/regional scientific agencies.
CSW isa part of the newly-established Institute of Space Sciences (ISS-SDU).The core mission of ISS is to conduct and support world-class researches in the fields of space physics and space weather science, planetary science, astronomy and astrophysics. ISS has the ambition to make itself a leading institute not just in China, but also on a bigger stage.